El.Bee found two of the various MeFog demos from 2011/12 yesterday. Luckily or unluckily (depending on one's perspective) these were the videos made with camera's alone costing the princely sum of £20 each off eBay. Needless to say they aren't 4k resolution, but they are a bit of fun + still intact nevertheless.
They were recorded with a deliberate lo-fi (4-track) mentailty with a drum machine, a couple of guitars, no bass + sound effects. The filming was similarly lo-tech over two concecutive windy afternoons in Somerset (with eyes on the diminishing charge meters) as El.Bee experimented with outside 'stop motion' regardless of the weather conditions.
The two featured here were two of the songs among the tunes written for MeFog, a guitar/drum instrumental duet project. There are a couple more, somewhere…