twangcorp [alt]

early 2025, known as 'twangcorp [alt]', is an alternative platform for musical + 'artistic' projects new + old. It will be developed in parallel with the revised website over the course of early 2025.

Although both websites are in their respective formative stages, the presence of this alternative outlet brought about a change of thinking + quickly led to the following changes:

  • the previous 'learning' page on has moved to form a part of a 'resources' section.
  • the planned pages featuring selected early twangcorp projects become the basis of a wider 'archives' section to be developed.
  • december 2 2024: four pieces from 'the melludites' uploaded to twangcorp [alt] 'archives'.
  • december 7 2024: three solo acoustic improvisations by Mo John, recorded on sub-HD video (with additional field sound recording equipment) on Middle Hope (Somerset) have reappeared in the youtube twangCORP archive. The 'Blind Dog sessions' are now embedded in the 'archives'.
  • thanks to el.bee for tracking down the above sound + video recordings, despite being long thought lost or irrecoverable, as well as recording them in the first place!
  • twangcorp [alt]: the latest updates on will always be posted on this page with explanations + links where relevant.
  • the website logos are currently the same but will change as we develop the sites, we hope to explain things.
  • more pages on twangcorp [alt] are currently in draft format, so will not appear until early 2025.