website changes (explanation)

We have been considering migrating twangCORP to a new host for some time. This also meant we had to prioritise a radical downsizing of the website and a simplification of its structure, as explained elsewhere.

Therefore we are happy to announce that twangCORP secured a long term hosting deal (for the multiple websites planned) during the current Black Friday sales madness that stalks our land each November these days.

It should be noted that twangCORP had already been planning at least two more associated websites in 2025 (one dealing with other twangCORP projects, the other being dedicated to Mo's music and art projects). Therefore making changes at this point (especially during this transitional year of 2024-25) was both logical and necessary for us.

We apologise for the many lost, blank + empty pages that was a consequence of taking down image heavy content over the last few months, with still more content being taken off in the last few days following ftp issues after migration.

After months in the planning, then days of intermittent headaches getting it 'up and running' with our new host, we are still ironing out issues such as easier mobile access. We expect all inevitable teething problems will be ironed out over the next few weeks, even if we have to overhaul the website again.

PS: We have left a couple of earlier posts in situ, like the last leaves on a November tree! The rest have been archived and should be popping back in December 2024 and January 2025 alongside the new stuff.